Susan and Bill Mytko with their girls Rachel and Rebekah.

Your typical small town American family that loves God and trusts in His ways. They were a very happy, healthy family……..until their world got shattered ! 


About Us

We are members of a Team that are banding together to help our friends battle this horrific medical situation that has wrecked havoc in their personal and family lives and has depleted their savings, and stressed their family relationships. It has stolen their time with their children and loved ones.

The Mytko Family 2014

One day you are feeling fine and the next day you can not hold your head up because of the pain.

This video gives just a glimpse of the joy and the tragedy this family has gone through.

Please help, she doesn’t deserve to miss any more of life !!


How would it make you feel if you had to miss your oldest daughter’s wedding?

When you are in so much pain that you can’t even get out of the house, the world just passes you by.
That is exactly what happened to Susan.
Please help, she doesn’t deserve to miss any more of life !!

Missing almost all of your children’s milestone events

When the pain is so unbearable you have no choice but the lay there and suffer. 

Miss all of your Family’s functions is in it’s self debilitating !!

These functions were missed because Susan could not. because of pain. Even though everyone wants you to be there, you can’t physically or mentally because of the debilitating effects of the disease.

Grillin' Girlzzzzzzz! 7-3-2015

Grillin’ Girlzzzzzzz! 7-3-2015

She was there having a grand time when she wasn’t sick !!


You’ve never seen a prouder Mom !!
When she could be there she was.

Happy Mother’s Day !

This was written by Rachel Joy Mytko to Susan recognizing that the pain she bears is almost incomprehensible.
Happy Mother’s Day to the strongest woman out there. I don’t know many that could be in so much pain, day after day, and continually run to God with it. To one that continues to inspire many, even being stuck in a bed 24/7. Thank you. For showing me what it looks like to pursue God with every part of your life. For still pouring out into me every single day even when you felt so empty. And for being so stubborn when it comes to fighting for your life. I love you, Ma! 

She Bears the Pain

There are many on her Facebook page that pray and confess and believe with her, but the healing hasn’t come yet. We are all still believing that she will be healed before the strength of her body gives out.
Will you join us by giving to help them out financially??
Will you help by praying and believing with us?????

Susan and Kitty

Susan and Lyra

Bill takes care of Susan 24/7 with very few breaks and he has been doing this for 4 years

Pitting Endema – What casues it ???
They don’t know !!!

Please join our team effort to help bring some resemblance to this family structure, so that Bill can go back to work and Susan can be who the Lord called her to be !!